4 Tips for Renovation Cleaning 🥇 Palm Beach County Post Renovation Cleaners

by OMG - June 8, 2022

How do you clean up after construction

After all the exhausting, noisy, and messy work is over, there’s just a little more effort needed to get the whole place spick and span so you can finally enjoy the fruits of your labor. However, that part can be tricky since getting rid of all that dirt and debris is not that easy. 

If you opt for a reliable company in Palm Beach County and hire professional post renovation cleaners, then you can just relax and wait patiently for your home to be all set for you and your family. However, if you’d still like to know how to do a proper post-construction clean-up, keep reading and find out.  

How do you clean up after construction?

Giving your home a deep deep spruce-up after construction has many benefits including the health of your family. Once the work is over, you’ll need to deal with a specific type of dirt that you don’t usually tackle during regular upkeep. Have a look at the following tips that will help you on your way.

Sweep and vacuum

While your contractor might remove large debris once they’re done, there are still going to be different types of chunks all around. The first thing you need to do is grab a broom and sweep up all the loose debris. That way, you’ll make way for your vacuum to reach every single corner and pick up as much dust as possible. Make sure you don’t miss any spots while vacuuming, especially those that are difficult to reach, and don’t forget your furniture and under it. Additionally, you should use a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter.

Move on to wiping

No matter how good your vacuum is, there’s no way it can remove all the dust from your home. In order to do it thoroughly, you’ll need to wipe down your surfaces and that way get rid of even the finest dust. Where in Palm Beach County can I find reliable post renovation cleaners

People tend to forget the fact that walls also collect dust particles, and this is exactly where you should start. Grab a cloth and dampen it with water, but make sure you wring it really well. Gently wipe all the walls top-to-bottom. Once you’re done, you can move on to the other surfaces including shelves, countertops, and kitchen cabinets, leaving the floors for the end. 

Tackle the air vents

This is an important spot that needs a thorough clean-up, so don’t forget to include it in your checklist. Remove all your air vents and wash them with hot water. This is also a great time to change air filters as well. Place the vents back, and now you can be sure that you’ve removed dust from every single corner of your home. 

Go room by room

Once you’ve made sure your place is dust-free, you can move on to other steps tackling room by room and dealing with more specific tasks such as scrubbing sinks, washing windows, or disinfecting electrical appliances. Grab a caddy and put everything you need inside, so you can carry it with you and have everything at hand. That way, you’ll finish in no time. 

Where in Palm Beach County can I find reliable post renovation cleaners?

4 Tips for Cleaning up After Renovation

Whether you’re not sure how to deal with the dirt after a construction project, or you wouldn’t like to make any mistakes, Yorleny’s Cleaning Service is your trusted ally. We boast highly professional, bonded, and insured technicians who are always ready to go out of their way and make our clients happy. Pay an inspiring visit to the Henry Morrison Flagler Museum as we take care of your home. Call now!